Tag Archives: Harry Potter

Ron’s Ragg Raglan

19 Oct

If you read the Charmed Knits post then you already know that I l-o-v-e Ron Weasley and his ragamuffin family! When I saw this pattern in the Charmed Knits: Projects for Fans of Harry Potter, I knew that this would easily have to be a project in the nearest future.

Ron’s Ragg Raglan

Of course, if Molly Weasley had made Ron’s Raglan for me, it would’ve had an “A” on it….so it does!

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Charmed Knits

15 Oct

When my next door neighbor, Miss Molly found out I was making things from Charmed Knits: Projects for Fans of Harry Potter,  it slipped out that she, too, was a witch-in-training.

Harry Potter scarf

She confessed of her crush on Harry Potter and I mine on Ron Weasley. She was in Gryffindor, as I had been. Soon after, her mom commissioned me to knit the Gryffindor House Scarf being that Molly was a first year in kindergarten at the local elementary school here in the Redwoods. I had to send it off to Diagon Alley for authentification, but it was eventually delivered by owl of course to “the cottage on Oak Street with the shiny new car” on the harvest full moon. The next day Molly said that something “very strange” had happened lat night. She had received a package from the Ministry of Magic . There were owl feathers and claw marks! I watched her open it with shear delight and caution. No, it wasn’t an invisibility cloak, but she l-o-v-e-d her Gryffindor scarf! Now all she needed was her “badge” and she would be set. As we sat in her kitchen and ate caramel covered pears and drank tea I thought to myself “this is what life’s about…magic, wonderment, and getting to know your next door neighbors.”

Griffindor Scarf
I used Cascade 220 Superwash wool yarn.

Harry Potter colors for knitting:

Gryffindor – maroon and maize
Slytherin – forest green and soft gray
Ravenclaw (film) – navy and soft gray
Ravenclaw (book) – navy and cognac
Hufflepuff – black and maize
Harry Potter colors in Cascade 220:
2401 maroon
9476 maize
8393 dark navy
8407 soft gray/silver
4010 gold
8267 dark/forest green
7463B light gold
8555 black
9465B cognac